Yesterday was an exciting day for me. As a pastor, I have always been invigorated by seeing lives changed, families restored, and people finding hope. As I shared stories of people who call Relevant their church home, I looked out and saw the hundreds more in every service that I know of who have been impacted through our church. It has been an incredible six years as we have watched God move in our community and we have had the opportunity to be a part of it. As we now embark on year seven of the journey of Relevant Church, we are asking God to “DO IT AGAIN.”
There are two areas of our church in which I believe we need to grow collectively: prayer and generosity. I shared several thoughts yesterday about generosity, but the focus of this post is prayer. We are calling our church to a year-long prayer initiative that begins with 21 days of prayer and fasting as we believe God to “do it again.” Here’s what we are doing…
What is fasting?
Fasting defined is abstaining from all or some kinds of food or drink, especially as a religious observance. Jesus told his followers that fasting is a private practice between us and God, and that we are not to draw attention to it.
How should we fast?
Over the next 30 days we are asking every person who calls Relevant Church their home to pick a 21-day period to abstain from food and pray. Here are a few ways you can fast:
- All liquid fast for 21 days (milkshakes don’t qualify as liquids!); you may also consider a couple 3-, 5-, 7-, or 10-day liquid fasts
- Fruits and vegetables only for 21 days – this is commonly called a “Daniel Fast” (based on Daniel 10:2-3)
- Monday through Friday – some people choose to fast the entire work week for three consecutive weeks
- A meal a day – those with health issues that would inhibit long-term fasting often fast their favorite meal of the day
The most important thing is that you fast something that is difficult enough for you to focus your attention and dependence on God.
- Determine your “next step” and have the courage to take it
- Declutter/prioritize your life
- Health of our staff and leadership
- Encouragement of the people of Relevant Church
- Financial provision to fulfill the mission God had given us
- Wisdom to determine the next location of Relevant Church
- Open doors to effectively tackle the crisis of brokenness in our culture
I believe this could be the best year of our church’s history. Thanks so much in joining our family in impacting this community.
Lots of love,
Carl, have just finished reading your post. My heart is full. To see and hear such leadership is beyond words. What God has already done at Relevant is only a sprinkling to the down pour of His anointing that will come as this group of people follow you, as you follow God’s directions for this body. As your Aunt and your sister in Christ, in the Spirit I join with you and this amazing group of people God has put together. Thank you for being an example for other Pastors to follow.