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Let’s be real. When you say yes to Jesus, although he gives you a new life, it is hard to let go of the past. The pain of your childhood. The divorce. The bad decisions. I hear it all the time. “I am unqualified. I am not good enough.” When I read the bible, I see stories of crazy people, who made bad decisions, that God used anyway. He gave them a fresh start. He gave them new opportunity. He gave them purpose. And they changed the world. Remember that failure is and event, not a person. You are not a failure and you are not defined by your failures or even what you have experienced in life. While you will have setbacks in your future, your greatest days are ahead of you if you are a follower of Jesus. It doesn’t mean they won’t be difficult; it just means he is on this journey with you.


Write down the things that are holding you back on a piece of paper, pray over them, then tear up the paper and throw it in the trash.

Carl Nichols

A native of south Atlanta, Carl has a passion for God, Julie, and sports. He and Julie have two sons, Jase and Trey. They have a heart to see people understand how crazy God is about them! Carl is the Lead Pastor at Relevant.

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