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Yesterday we took a look at the good example of Abraham. Abraham didn’t always make the best choices but he did love and obey God. His wife’s name was Sarah. Did you know that the name Sarah actually means ‘Princess’?

Probably not, but now you do. Sarah was a good wife. I mean, she was willing to get up and go with her husband when a voice came from the sky telling him to go. Right? Good wife. No doubt. But she had some problems we can learn from.
Sarah wanted a baby. All the girls around her who weren’t as good of wives and who didn’t trust God at all were having babies but Sarah couldn’t. She got older.
Too old to see her dream come true and God shows up and says: Hey Sarah, you know that baby you’ve been wanting…Im gonna make sure that happens for you.
Guess what Sarah did…
Leap for joy? No.
Shout with excitement? Nah.
Tell God how thankful she was? Nope.
She laughed at God. But it wasn’t too long after that when she became pregnant.
Heres what we can learn: 
1) Your timing is not as good as God’s timing.
2) If you trust God, then trust Him all the way. Don’t laugh, He’s got you.
3) God is not limited by the things that limit us. He can do BIG things in your life!
Apparently, Sarah learned these important lessons because she was mentioned right along with her husband as a great example of someone with life changing faith in Jesus. Look for her cameo in Hebrews 11:11
H/W Challenge
Re-read the 3 lessons we can learn from Sarah (above).
Ask yourself:
1) Am I being impatient about something that God has perfectly timed for my life?
(Dating?  Friendships?  Figuring out my future? Moving Out? Growing up? etc…)
2) Am I doubting that God has me covered in everything?
3) Am I reminding myself that my past and my weaknesses aren’t enough to hold God back from doing something BIG in my life?
Jesus, you have my back. Its hard to believe it sometimes but I am telling you that I believe it! Help me to remember it when things aren’t working like I think they should. Help me to remember that you have the master plan for my life and that it is much better than my own plan. Thank you. Amen.
Adam Thacker

Adam is passionate about loving and pursuing Jesus, his wife Brandy, and impactful opportunities. From the fall of 2014 to the summer of 2016, Adam & Brandy led the student ministry at Relevant Church, as they learned and prepared to plant a church in their home city of Roanoke, Virginia, in 2017. Adam and Brandy have one son. They also love their dog, Jersey, craft coffee, and creative traveling.

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