iPhones. Androids. Smart watches. The Cloud. Apps. Internet.
Amazon. Amazon Prime. Amazon Dash. Netflix. On Demand. Blah. Blah. Blah.
We live in a world where nearly anything we want is at the tip of our fingers and its a pretty cool concept but all of this instant gratification is teaching us and training us to be impatient.
Remember: If we are “in” Jesus then He is able to work certain things “out” through our lives.
Good things. Not bad things.
AND, Patience is a really good thing!
Patience could save your life.
It could save friendships, relationships with your family, your future marriage, your super future kids, you money situation, and the list goes on and on but you get the point. Patience is a huge issue. That’s why God makes sure to tell us that its one of our Spirit fruits.
We are all patients of the battle with our patience. We all lose that battle everyday. Heck, most of us don’t even fight the battle. If we’re honest, most of us just play dead and give in. White flag. I surrender. Ugh.
But Jesus calls us to be patient. When we are, we reap amazing benefits.
Examples include:
Being patient with your desire to have sex (or any variation of sex) until you are married and committed to one individual is not only going to put you in a place of honor before God, its also going to be a huge honor to your future spouse to know that you have been patient enough to say NO to your personal desires to fulfill theirs. It also takes a lot of awkward questions and future situations out of the mix.
Being patient with your money is also a toughie. You don’t wanna be that guy or girl who is in debt all their lives, do you? NO. I didn’t think so. Earning your money respectfully and spending it slowly is going to set you up for a healthy financial future. EXPENSES are quick and easy. INVESTMENTS are tough and slow. Take the tough and slow route. It will pay off.
Again, we could keep going but you can just fill in the blank below.
Being patient with my _______________ will pay off!
God, help me to be patient. That probably means you’ll give me opportunities to try out my patience. Help me not to fail. And when I do, help me to get back up and make better decisions, trusting that the long game you have me playing is better for me that the short game. Help me to realize that the long term result is always far better than the short term result. In Jesus, Amen.
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