If we are “in” Jesus then He is able to work certain things “out” through our lives.
Good things. Not bad things.
Peace is a good thing from just about any angle you look at it. Even though it may seem like an impossibility, peace between you and your parents would be a good thing for your life. Oh, and could you imagine if all that drama at school were to melt away? That would be a really good thing! What if we didn’t have to worry about ISIS or the next terrorist group out there…what if it was just peaceful?
While those things seem unrealistic, here’s the good news: PEACE IS POSSIBLE.
Remember that our verse from Galatians 5:22-23 is detailing some characteristics that should define a Christian’s life! Well, we can’t skip peace. Now, this peace isn’t referring to the end of all wars and the extinction of fear in the world. This peace is personal.
Our faith “should” bring us peace; but lets be honest, we have to really think about everything Jesus did for us to really feel peaceful and even then, because we are typically so messed up, we end up realizing just how much we don’t deserve peace. But still, Jesus wants us to have it. So what do we do? I mean, peace isn’t one of those things you can just go down to the Walmart and get on the “Roll-Back Rack.” You can’t touch it or taste it or smell it…and its often really hard to even feel it.
Since peace isn’t tangible, much like any of the Spirit fruit we are talking about…the best thing we can do is go to what God has to say about it and make ourselves trust him.
Read the following verses and do the internal, heart work of asking yourself some tough, personal questions.
Is Jesus my hope? (Have I trusted Him to be my Lord?)
Am I trusting Him consistently?
Am I doing what He would be honored by in the areas where I am not experiencing peace?
(sexuality, family, friendships, habits, etc…)
Psalm 29:11 Psalm 34:14 Isaiah 26:12 John 16:33 2 Thessalonians 3:16
Romans 15:13 Philippians 4:6-7 Matthew 5:9 Romans 14:19 Romans 12:18
In your own words, ask Jesus to fill you with hope in Him and the peace that only He can give. Ask Him to help and strengthen you, by His Spirit, to live life, make choices, and treat others in a way that brings peace to life in you and in those who you know.
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