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If we are “in” Jesus then He is able to work certain things “out” through our lives.
Good things. Not bad things.

Today, we dive into a list of spirit fruit the Bible gives us. 

Galatians 5:22-23


The Bible has a lot to say about LOVE. As Christians, we realize that love is at the center of our faith. Had God not loved us (even though we were unlovable) He would never have given us His Son, Jesus. Had Jesus not operated out of the same kind of love, He would never have given His life for us on the cross. Had the early Christians not loved Jesus as they did, they would never had given their own lives for the sake of making sure the truth of Jesus was told around the world.

Our whole faith is based in love.

1 Corinthians 13:13        John 15:13        John 3:16-17        Matthew 22:37-39

And, if you want a good working definition of love … 1 Corinthians 13:4-7


Let’s do some simple heart work today. Grab something write on and something to write with.
Ask yourself: How’s my love life?  Am I showing love to others the way Jesus showed His love to me?

Use words to make a list or artistic expression to draw or paint something that depicts what you are thinking and feeling about the love of God and how you share it as a spirit fruit in your life.


God, your Spirit is one of love. Your Spirit is in me. Help me to let Him control me. My thoughts. My actions. My love. Help me to respond to others like you responded to me; in love. Help me live and love like Jesus, Amen.

<< DAY 15DAY 17 >>
Adam Thacker

Adam is passionate about loving and pursuing Jesus, his wife Brandy, and impactful opportunities. From the fall of 2014 to the summer of 2016, Adam & Brandy led the student ministry at Relevant Church, as they learned and prepared to plant a church in their home city of Roanoke, Virginia, in 2017. Adam and Brandy have one son. They also love their dog, Jersey, craft coffee, and creative traveling.

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