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Have you been keeping up with the Pulse Best Summer Ever reading plan?

If your’e like me, you were hoping to start it and stick with it till the end but, somewhere, along the line, you forgot to head over to the page and actually jump in. Maybe you have missed the whole thing?!  If that’s you, don’t worry. We aren’t throwing any rocks at your head to make you do the right thing. But we do want to encourage you to START NOW!

During WEEK 1 we cover some important thoughts that God gives us in the very first book of the Bible that challenge us to make our life match our faith through the examples of imperfect people who really did love Jesus!

How it Began & Why it Matters It was Right but it Went Wrong Get Up and Go Don't be a Sarah Get Real

During WEEK 2 we took a look at what we call the 4-T commitment where, this time, we think about the example that Jesus set for us to live by when it comes to four important areas of our life.

Best Example Perfect Timing America's Got Talent Treasure Hunt The House of God
Adam Thacker

Adam is passionate about loving and pursuing Jesus, his wife Brandy, and impactful opportunities. From the fall of 2014 to the summer of 2016, Adam & Brandy led the student ministry at Relevant Church, as they learned and prepared to plant a church in their home city of Roanoke, Virginia, in 2017. Adam and Brandy have one son. They also love their dog, Jersey, craft coffee, and creative traveling.

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