This is part seven of the Pulse student devotional for the series “Fighting FOMO.” Click here for the entire series.
Matthew 23:12
Philippians 2:5-11
We all want to be noticed. We all want to be known. We all want to be famous for something. Take your pick.
King Saul, the first king of Israel, was the man. He was popular, handsome, and had the appearance of a leader. His only problem was that he didn’t really trust God and he chased his own desires. The Lord saw the pride in Saul’s heart, withdrew his leadership from him, and chose David, a “man after God’s own heart,” to take Saul’s place.
God selected David to be the next king when he was the age of a middle school student, but he didn’t rule as king until he was 30 years old. David never demanded attention or manipulated his way into the spotlight, but was obedient to God in everything he did.
“Whoever exalts himself will be humbled, and whoever humbles himself will be exalted” (Matthew 23:12).
If we’re being real, everyone wants attention, but most of us go about it in the wrong way. King Saul compromised his faith and integrity to gain a reputation of fame, while King David was patient to trust God and earned a reputation of humility. One was brought low and one was raised up.
Your outward appearance and personality don’t matter nearly as much as your faithfulness and obedience. When you listen to Jesus and do what he says, people take notice.
Now what?
Do the choices you make portray you as a man or woman after God’s own heart?
If you got the attention you wanted, would you have the character to sustain your popularity?
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